Emily Foxler
Nick Mennell
Brianna Brown
Hadley Fraser
Marc Bacher
Maxine Bahns
Terry Notary
Lance Henriksen
Story by Mohit Ramchandani
Screenplay by Mohit Ramchandani and Mark Davidson
- Sociétés: Avatar Entertainment Group, Rebel Film
- Casting by Michael Hothorn
- Co-Director of Photography: Andy Strahorn
- Costume Designers: Z Hovak, Lily Frisco
- Special Makeup Effects: Liz Pisano, Jenn Rose, Tom Devlin
- Creature Design: Barney Burman
- Supervisor Editor: Peter Devaney Flanagan
- Editors: Ed Marx, Bayard Stryker
- Director of Photography: Roel Reiné
- Co-Producers: Roel Reiné, Terry Notary
- Executive Producers: Jo Bamford, Rohan Ramchandani
- Executive Producers: Irvin Kershner, Ashok Rao, Kavi Virk
- Produced by Mohit Ramchandani
- "Dedicated to my greatest teachers"
Musique: Benneth Salvay
Durée : 1h26
- langues : fr - en
- sous-titres : fr
- en + : 4 bandes annonces
Interdit aux moins de 16 ans
created : 27.08.2011
last edited : 25.09.2011